map problem

I have a server ....yerstday it was working fine and I haved mapin(on pd fences/elevators etc.)I istaled a audio sistem but now when I logged in the map vanished.on the PD door says the door of lspd is open but you cant open something that dont exist.On my cmd says:
***MoveDynamicObject: Expecting 8 parameter<s>, but fount 5...WTF?
how to solve the problem?I have in my script the object but they dont apply

Change MoveDynamicObject to MoveObject, Also make sure your streamer is Included in the script.

all of the object work but the pd door dont.. what can be wrong?

doorpd = CreateObject(1569,245.82000000,72.68000000,1002.65000000,0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000); // usa pd
    CreateObject(1569,244.33000000,72.66000000,1002.65000000,0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000); // usa pd
    CreateObject(3749,1544.16027800,-1627.76159700,18.24122600,0.00000000,0.00000000,270.00000000); //poarta mare lspd
    vamapd = CreateObject(980,1542.35009800,-1627.75756800,15.15620400,0.00000000,0.00000000,90.00000000); //vama lspd
    gatepd = CreateObject(980,1587.06628400,-1638.18103000,13.70255300,0.00000000,359.14060000,0.00000000); ///gate pd
    CreateObject(971,-2624.86450200,204.96580500,3.28957500,0.00000000,0.00000000,-89.99998128); //
    CreateObject(971,-2629.24340800,209.38534500,3.32361900,0.00000000,0.00000000,-359.99992510); //
    CreateObject(971,-2633.64038100,205.01867700,3.32059800,0.00000000,0.00000000,-449.99996368); //
forward doorpdclose();
public doorpdclose()
	MoveObject(doorpd, 245.82, 72.68, 1002.65, 3.0);
	return 1;
Pls correct if something wrong
MoveObject(doorpd, 242.82, 72.68, 1002.65, 4.0);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, "The door of LSPD has been opened and close in 5 second(s).");
SetTimer("doorpdclose",3500, false);
return 1;

Use the new MoveDynamicObject parameters

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