Ingame Radio

I'm not sure if it's a bug or it's normal to happen but it's just annoying.
When you are in a vehicle,and press TAB to see the score list,and scroll down/up,and when exit the score list with TAB again,the radio station switches.As i said it's annoying,and not only that,I think it's not normal,and think it should be fixed.

I think it is obvious, because when you scroll up, down, you actually switch radio stations.

So,isn't there a way to not switch radio stations while looking at score list ?

Yeah, you cannot use scroll up/down while audio stream playing. Otherwise you'll crash.

Press ESC in game and go to options > controls > search for the radio and apply different buttons for it
I.E. P-UP & P-DOWN, thats what i did when i thought it was annoying

Page Up and Page Down are for scrolling thru chat Well,I guess I'll just have to change them,or get with it,since you think it doesn't need fixing.

When you push TAB to view the scoreboard, use the scrollbar on the right side instead of the scroll-wheel on your mouse. You won't have that issue.

Shouldn't this be fixed? IIRC some reported the problem before and the dev team rejected for the fix.
Most people will use their mouse wheels to scroll the list I think, dragging the bar is less convenient than using a mouse wheel.

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