Mysql Bug

FUCKING HELP, That is a bad bug


[07:02:11] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_query'
[07:02:11] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_row'
[07:02:11] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_int'
[07:02:11] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_init'
[07:02:11] Script[gamemodes/CCRP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[07:02:11] Number of vehicle models: 13

1. All includes are 0.3e-R2
2. All Plugins are 0.3e-R2
4. Mysql = 0.3e

pawn Код:
*     SA:MP MySQL v2.0 Functions
 *  (c) Copyright 2010, <__Ethan__>

#if defined mysql_included
#define mysql_included
#pragma library mysql

#include <a_mysql>

// plugin error id's

#define P_ERROR_NONE                                0
#define P_ERROR_INCPARAMCNT                         1
#define P_ERROR_INCVALUE                            2
#define P_ERROR_MAXCONN                             3
#define P_ERROR_DBNOCONN                            4
#define P_ERROR_NORES                               5
#define P_ERROR_RES                                 6
#define P_ERROR_NOFIELD                             7
#define P_ERROR_NOFIELDDATA                         8
#define P_ERROR_NOROWDATA                           9
#define P_ERROR_CANTALLOC                           10
#define P_ERROR_NOCALLBACK                          11
#define P_ERROR_NOQUERY                             12

#define ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE 1109
#define ER_SYNTAX_ERROR 1149
#define CR_SERVER_LOST 2013
// mysql headers defines

#define REFRESH_GRANT                               1
#define REFRESH_LOG                                 2
#define REFRESH_TABLES                              4
#define REFRESH_HOSTS                               8
#define REFRESH_STATUS                              16
#define REFRESH_THREADS                             32
#define REFRESH_SLAVE                               64
#define REFRESH_MASTER                              128

// mysql error id's

#define CR_ERROR_FIRST                              2000
#define CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR                            2000
#define CR_SOCKET_CREATE_ERROR                      2001
#define CR_CONNECTION_ERROR                         2002
#define CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR                          2003
#define CR_IPSOCK_ERROR                             2004
#define CR_UNKNOWN_HOST                             2005
#define CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR                        2006
#define CR_VERSION_ERROR                            2007
#define CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY                            2008
#define CR_WRONG_HOST_INFO                          2009
#define CR_LOCALHOST_CONNECTION                     2010
#define CR_TCP_CONNECTION                           2011
#define CR_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_ERR                     2012
#define CR_SERVER_LOST                              2013
#define CR_COMMANDS_OUT_OF_SYNC                     2014
#define CR_NAMEDPIPE_CONNECTION                     2015
#define CR_NAMEDPIPEWAIT_ERROR                      2016
#define CR_NAMEDPIPEOPEN_ERROR                      2017
#define CR_NAMEDPIPESETSTATE_ERROR                  2018
#define CR_CANT_READ_CHARSET                        2019
#define CR_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE                     2020
#define CR_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION                      2021
#define CR_PROBE_SLAVE_STATUS                       2022
#define CR_PROBE_SLAVE_HOSTS                        2023
#define CR_PROBE_SLAVE_CONNECT                      2024
#define CR_PROBE_MASTER_CONNECT                     2025
#define CR_SSL_CONNECTION_ERROR                     2026
#define CR_MALFORMED_PACKET                         2027
#define CR_WRONG_LICENSE                            2028
#define CR_NULL_POINTER                             2029
#define CR_NO_PREPARE_STMT                          2030
#define CR_PARAMS_NOT_BOUND                         2031
#define CR_DATA_TRUNCATED                           2032
#define CR_NO_PARAMETERS_EXISTS                     2033
#define CR_INVALID_PARAMETER_NO                     2034
#define CR_INVALID_BUFFER_USE                       2035
#define CR_UNSUPPORTED_PARAM_TYPE                   2036
#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECTION                 2037
#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_FILE_MAP_ERROR             2042
#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_MAP_ERROR                  2043
#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_EVENT_ERROR                2044
#define CR_CONN_UNKNOW_PROTOCOL                     2047
#define CR_INVALID_CONN_HANDLE                      2048
#define CR_SECURE_AUTH                              2049
#define CR_FETCH_CANCELED                           2050
#define CR_NO_DATA                                  2051
#define CR_NO_STMT_METADATA                         2052
#define CR_NO_RESULT_SET                            2053
#define CR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED                          2054
#define CR_SERVER_LOST_EXTENDED                     2055
#define CR_STMT_CLOSED                              2056
#define CR_NEW_STMT_METADATA                        2057
#define CR_ERROR_LAST                               2057

// logging types

#define INVALID_MYSQL_ID                            (-1)
#define LOG_OFF                                     (0)
#define LOG_ALL                                     (1)
#define LOG_ONLY_ERRORS                             (2)

// function defines

#define mysql_reload(%1) mysql_refresh(REFRESH_GRANT, %1)

// plugin callbacks

forward OnMysqlQueryArray(resultid, extravars[], MySQL:handle);
forward OnMysqlQuery(resultid, spareid, MySQL:handle);
forward OnMysqlError(error[], errorid, MySQL:handle);

native MySQL:mysql_init(logtype = LOG_ONLY_ERRORS, printerrors = 1);
native mysql_connect(const host[], const user[], const pass[], const db[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0), auto_reconnect = 0);
native mysql_close(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_refresh(options, MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_select_db(const db[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_query(const query[], resultid = (-1), spareid = (0), MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_query_array(const query[], resultid = (-1), {Float,_}:extravars[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_store_result(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_free_result(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_result_stored(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_fetch_field(const fieldname[], dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_fetch_field_num(fieldnum, dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_fetch_row(dest[], const splitter[] = "|", MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_fetch_row_data(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_real_escape_string(const string[], dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_num_rows(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_num_fields(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_affected_rows(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_insert_id(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_ping(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_error(dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_errno(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_warning_count(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_info(dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_stat(dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_get_server_info(dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_get_host_info(dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_data_seek(rownum, MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_set_character_set(const csname[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_get_character_set(csname[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_fetch_int(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native Float:mysql_fetch_float(MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));
native mysql_fetch_string(dest[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0));

// Cache functions

native mysql_function_query(connectionHandle, query[], bool:cache, callback[], format[], {Float,_}:...);
native cache_get_row(row, idx, dest[], connectionHandle = 1);
native cache_get_field(field_index, dest[], connectionHandle = 1);
native cache_get_data(&num_rows, &num_fields, connectionHandle = 1);
native cache_get_field_content(row, const field_name[], dest[], connectionHandle = 1);
native enable_mutex(bool:enable);
// forward declarations

forward OnQueryError(errorid, error[], callback[], query[], connectionHandle);

#if !defined split
// split function - thanks to Blacklite
stock split(const strsrc[], strdest[][], delimiter = '|')
    new i, li, aNum, len, srclen = strlen(strsrc);
    while(i <= srclen)
        if (strsrc[i] == delimiter || i == srclen)
            len = strmid(strdest[aNum], strsrc, li, i, 128);
            strdest[aNum][len] = 0;
            li = i + 1;
in the Server.log:


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e-R2, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team

[07:02:11] Server Plugins
[07:02:11] --------------
[07:02:11] Loading plugin: streamer.dll

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[07:02:11] Loaded.
[07:02:11] Loading plugin: sscanf.dll

[07:02:11] ===============================

[07:02:11] sscanf plugin loaded.

[07:02:11] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[07:02:11] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[07:02:11] ===============================

[07:02:11] Loaded.
[07:02:11] Loading plugin: mysql.dll

> MySQL plugin R7 successfully loaded.

[07:02:11] Loaded.
[07:02:11] Loading plugin: audio.dll

*** Audio Plugin v0.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[07:02:11] Loaded.
[07:02:11] Loading plugin: nativechecker.dll
[07:02:11] Loaded.
[07:02:11] Loaded 5 plugins.

[07:02:11] Filterscripts
[07:02:11] ---------------
[07:02:11] Loading filterscript 'Zack.amx'...
[07:02:11] Mapping by Zack
[07:02:11] --------------------------------------

[07:02:11] Loading filterscript 'Anti-CBug.amx'...
[07:02:11] Loading filterscript 'Mapping.amx'...
[07:02:11] Mapping by Germanator
[07:02:11] --------------------------------------

[07:02:11] Loading filterscript 'seatbelt.amx'...
[07:02:11] Seatbelts Loaded
[07:02:11] Loading filterscript 'WalkStyle.amx'...
[07:02:11] <|-----------------------------------------|>
[07:02:11] |.:[- seif_walk - walk styles by Seif -]:.|
[07:02:11] <|-----------------------------------------|>
[07:02:11] Loading filterscript 'area51gates.amx'...
[07:02:11] /****************************************/
[07:02:11] / [FS] Fort Carson Military Base - Robert Crawford /
[07:02:11] /****************************************/
[07:02:11] Loading filterscript 'animlist.amx'...
[07:02:11] Loading filterscript 'armyhq.amx'...
[07:02:11] Military Interior by Germanator
[07:02:11] --------------------------------------

[07:02:11] Loading filterscript 'hospital.amx'...
[07:02:11] Mapping by Germanator
[07:02:11] --------------------------------------

[07:02:11] Loading filterscript 'office.amx'...
[07:02:11] Loading filterscript 'CopTraining.amx'...
[07:02:11] Cop Training And Shooting Range
[07:02:11] --------------------------------------

[07:02:11] Loading filterscript 'Gears.amx'...
[07:02:11] Mechanical Transmission by wups
[07:02:11] --------------------------------------

[07:02:11] Loaded 12 filterscripts.

HElp as you can! But Faster

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