Spawn player in a vehicle

Hey so im kind of stuck here, I want the player on their first spawn to spawn on a bike, But i've got no idea how, Also once they choose a team id like it to remove the vehicle, Could anyone point me in the right direction? I've had a look around can't really find much. Thanks

putplayerinvehicle, srry cant really put codes etc here cuz am on mah mobile

Originally Posted by niels44
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putplayerinvehicle, srry cant really put codes etc here cuz am on mah mobile
Thanks, But one question.. Wouldn't i need to create the vehicle first?


Thanks but i got a little problem here..

In my server you spawn trapped in a sphere, To get in game you must choose a team by typing the command..
When they spawn (not in a team) i want them to spawn on a bike, But when they select a team i want the bike to be destroyed.. Would the script look a little like this?

pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
CreateVehicle(522,2324, 1283, 98, 1, 146, 146, 60);

public OnPlayerSpawn()

// Loop to check if players team = 0 if it is <= to 1 then it will destroy the vehicle?
for (pTeam0; i<=1; i++)
    new currentveh;
        currentveh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);

Your loop should be:
pawn Код:
if(GetPlayerTeam(playerid) < 2)

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