28.11.2012, 19:38
On top of OnPlayerCommandText:
It returns "Unknown Command" when I change a command name and use the new name. (It's inside of my mode,
on top of the public.. I've changed /Help to /Mode and it did not work, but it printed it good.)
for(new i=1; i<51; i++) if(!strcmp(newCmd[i][0], cmdtext, true) && strlen(newCmd[i][0]) > 0) return OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, newCmd[i][1]);
if(!strcmp("/changecmd", cmd, true)) { assert(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)); cmd = strtok(cmdtext, idx); tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); format(newCmd[++cmds][0], strlen(tmp), tmp); format(newCmd[cmds][1], strlen(cmd), cmd); printf("Command: %s has changed to %s", cmd, tmp); return 1; }
on top of the public.. I've changed /Help to /Mode and it did not work, but it printed it good.)