AI system

ok i made an object based NPC cuz i dont like the npc system and they work alright(health,dmg and so on) but they walk thru walls and objects ...i still cant find a collision detection method for them to base a route planing system on if there is no way to do that is there a way to load a player char not thru the npc system?

object based npc system? lol wut, i dont even... link?

no code or link (yet) it is a secret project but it is like a real NPC system the different types move and do and interact according to what or who they are ...but they always seem to run thru walls and objects

i dont know if its any help if i found this cause was i interested thru ******

probably not possible.. tho lol

thats prety much the idea ...i can make route planing np but they are free roam and i want to not mark every obstical posable =/ i may have to start writing my own includes

You can create a route and save it, if that's what you mean.

nah i can create routes fine but my objects wander freely(no preplaned route) they make their own routes around cars and tward or away from players and the only restriction i placed on some are they have to stay within certain bounds or certain distance around their assigned player they do the rest on their own

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