[FilterScript] [FS]Script Debug

Nice work sandra, i love all of your works, keep up.
Thanks, useful Script.

a.w.e.s.o.m.e. O_o


*/ NL
sandra dat ownt echt!
als ik starx op me eige pc ben ga ik hem cker uit proberen!


Wow Sandra DTKA(dude that kick ass!)
if(IsRensOnHisOwnPC(rensid) == 1)
new string[256];
new pName[16];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s says that rens soon goes try it lol!", pName);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_AWESOME, string)
return 1;

IM using it to debugg my godafther lol

It's cool and useful!

CPU is around 50% when checking 14.000 lines, done in 5 minutes. I've found out that things speed up if you unload all filter scripts and use a plain gamemode!

I would like to mention that SetPlayerPos is counted twice.

[13:54] GetPlayer Pos 21x
[13:54] GetPlayer Pos 21x

Giving out a webpage with more details isn't even allowed anymore, or is it corruption and censoring?

Sry, but it doesn't help in any case it just reads the ammount of brackets (like pawno) so? For what is it for?
And it is VERY SLOW!

Here it goes my 36718 lines script


[21:39] Analyzing 36718 lines... Please Wait...

[22:23] __________________________________________________ ______________
[22:23] | ScriptDebug by =>Sandra<= |
[22:23] | Debug Results: |
[22:23] | __________________________________________________ _____________|
[22:23] | Total Lines: 36718 |
[22:23] | Total Opening brackets: 7647 |
[22:23] | Total Closing brackets: 7647 |
[22:23] | Total Defines: 134 |
[22:23] | __________________________________________________ _____________|
[22:23] | |
[22:23] | PawnFunctions: Times Used: |
[22:23] |_________________________________________________ _______________|
[22:23] AddMenuItem 170x
[22:23] AddPlayerClass 1x
[22:23] AddStaticPickup 35x
[22:23] AddStaticVehicleEx 174x
[22:23] AddVehicleComponent 166x
[22:23] AllowAdminTeleport 1x
[22:23] AllowInteriorWeapons 1x
[22:23] ApplyAnimation 53x
[22:23] AttachTrailerToVehicle 1x
[22:23] Ban 15x
[22:23] BanEx 1x
[22:23] ChangeVehicleColor 16x
[22:23] ChangeVehiclePaintJob 5x
[22:23] ClearAnimations 2x
[22:23] CreateMenu 20x
[22:23] CreateObject 30x
[22:23] CreatePickup 8x
[22:23] CreateVehicle 19x
[22:23] DestroyMenu 17x
[22:23] DestroyObject 1x
[22:23] DestroyVehicle 1x
[22:23] DetachTrailerFromVehicle 1x
[22:23] DisableMenuRow 12x
[22:23] DisablePlayerCheckpoint 40x
[22:23] EnableStuntBonusForAll 1x
[22:23] EnableTirePopping 1x
[22:23] EnableZoneNames 1x
[22:23] fclose 34x
[22:23] fopen 42x
[22:23] fread 14x
[22:23] fremove 1x
[22:23] fwrite 406x
[22:23] format 2108x
[22:23] GameModeExit 5x
[22:23] GameTextForAll 2x
[22:23] GameTextForPlayer 521x
[22:23] GangZoneCreate 1x
[22:23] GangZoneShowForPlayer 1x
[22:23] GetPlayerArmour 6x
[22:23] GetPlayerFacingAngle 10x
[22:23] GetPlayerHealth 62x
[22:23] GetPlayerInterior 6x
[22:23] GetPlayerIp 4x
[22:23] GetPlayerMenu 2x
[22:23] GetPlayerMoney 134x
[22:23] GetPlayerName 472x
[22:23] GetPlayerPing 1x
[22:23] GetPlayerPos 71x
[22:23] GetPlayerPos 71x
[22:23] GetPlayerSpecialAction 2x
[22:23] GetPlayerState 98x
[22:23] GetPlayerVehicleID 154x
[22:23] GetPlayerWeaponData 4x
[22:23] GetVehicleHealth 2x
[22:23] GetVehicleModel 221x
[22:23] GetVehiclePos 7x
[22:23] getdate 8x
[22:23] gettime 14x
[22:23] GivePlayerMoney 236x
[22:23] GivePlayerWeapon 168x
[22:23] HideMenuForPlayer 1x
[22:23] IsPlayerConnected 658x
[22:23] IsPlayerInAnyVehicle 26x
[22:23] IsTrailerAttachedToVehicle 1x
[22:23] Kick 15x
[22:23] LinkVehicleToInterior 12x
[22:23] MoveObject 8x
[22:23] PlayerPlaySound 131x
[22:23] PlayerSpectatePlayer 1x
[22:23] PlayerSpectateVehicle 1x
[22:23] print 6x
[22:23] printf 75x
[22:23] PutPlayerInVehicle 2x
[22:23] random 64x
[22:23] RemovePlayerFromVehicle 32x
[22:23] ResetPlayerMoney 5x
[22:23] ResetPlayerWeapons 32x
[22:23] SendClientMessage 3364x
[22:23] SendClientMessageToAll 30x
[22:23] SetCameraBehindPlayer 4x
[22:23] SetGameModeText 1x
[22:23] SetGravity 1x
[22:23] SetMenuColumnHeader 16x
[22:23] SetPlayerArmour 15x
[22:23] SetPlayerCameraLookAt 14x
[22:23] SetPlayerCameraPos 14x
[22:23] SetPlayerCheckpoint 29x
[22:23] SetPlayerColor 42x
[22:23] SetPlayerFacingAngle 28x
[22:23] SetPlayerHealth 108x
[22:23] SetPlayerInterior 161x
[22:23] SetPlayerMapIcon 14x
[22:23] SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer 2x
[22:23] SetPlayerPos 183x
[22:23] SetPlayerScore 1x
[22:23] SetPlayerSkin 173x
[22:23] SetPlayerSpecialAction 4x
[22:23] SetPlayerWeather 1x
[22:23] SetPlayerWorldBounds 4x
[22:23] SetSpawnInfo 41x
[22:23] SetTimer 37x
[22:23] SetTimerEx 4x
[22:23] SetVehicleHealth 6x
[22:23] SetVehicleParamsForPlayer 15x
[22:23] SetVehiclePos 15x
[22:23] SetVehicleToRespawn 2x
[22:23] SetVehicleZAngle 4x
[22:23] SetWorldTime 4x
[22:23] ShowMenuForPlayer 276x
[22:23] ShowPlayerMarkers 1x
[22:23] SpawnPlayer 13x
[22:23] strcmp 949x
[22:23] strlen 830x
[22:23] strmid 346x
[22:23] strval 340x
[22:23] strfind 6x
[22:23] TogglePlayerControllable 61x
[22:23] UsePlayerPedAnims 1x
[22:23] | __________________________________________________ _____________|
[22:23] | Debugging Done! |
[22:23] __________________________________________________ ______________


[21:39] Analyzing 36718 lines... Please Wait...
Almost an hour....

Originally Posted by Europe
Giving out a webpage with more details isn't even allowed anymore, or is it corruption and censoring?
Give me a break.

It linked to a thread on your forums that simply had the output of running it on your mode. It didn't have any bearing on the topic at hand, and was considered by some to be "covert advertising"

EDIT: and people may want to scan for "KilTimer" and change it to "KillTimer" (note the missing "l" in the first example

the command /debug does not work..even if i have remove all FS

Originally Posted by cruising
the command /debug does not work..even if i have remove all FS
Do you typ it ingame or in this console?
If you didn't know, you have to type "/debug" in the console! Not ingame!

Ui not bad....
But i don't need it I debug my scripts manually ^^

I get crash when I used /debug.

Originally Posted by _TeRmiNaToR_
I get crash when I used /debug.
Same here i fixed my making a document in scriptfiles called ScriptDebug.txt

Also very nice

A great idea for checking the script without installing the game,but the time is still the problem.
I tried to use it to check a script with about 8000 lines and..you know lol

ok honestly i dont know what debugging is for but i installed this debug fine and everything worked .
so can someone plz tell me the purpose or its just to indicate the number of times the function is stated

This tool is awesome, but it is slow so I need to wait to de-bug LARP...


It crashes my sa-mpserver.exe, anyone knows why?

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