Whats the deal?

Why does it matter what order the filterscripts are put into the config file. What I mean is this:

You will find a line within your servers config file that looks like this:


On that line you are supposed to put whatever filterscripts you have in your FS folder that you want loaded, like this:

filterscripts Speedo Banking Register icons Commands

HOWEVER why does it matter the order they are in? Please do not say it doesn't because it does. If I put my banking
FS first it will work in game. But if i put it second or any position after 1st it will load but will not work in game. To explain ferther this is what i mean.

filterscripts Banking Speedo Register icons Commands

They all will load in the CMD pannel of the server. When i go in game and type /bank I get the dialog menu like I should HOWEVER when the config file looks like this:

filterscripts Speedo Banking Register icons Commands (or any way that involves Banking not being first in that line)

They all will load just fine in the server CMD pannel but when i go in game and type /bank nothing happens. It isnt just like this with one or two FS. Almost all the FS i use that have some sort of a dialog menu will not work in game unless it is first in the filterscripts line. This is possing a HUGE problem for me and my server and I need it fixed.

I have went through and looked for things in the coding that are making this happen but found none. I have asked people why this is and im replied to like im a complete moron and this never happens! THIS IS CLEARLY HAPPENING TO ME!

I need an experts help because no novice users have been able to solve this issue what is going on guys?!?!

This is extremely weird and is the first Time I am hearing about this, It's never happened to anyone before.

Maybe that is why people reply like im a stupid noob lol. But it is happening to me and is a major problem. If my Register FS is not atleast second it will not work either. My server is stuck in this shitty version because I can't add anything else to it! is there a limit on the amount of FS aloud? Does the server need to load dialog FS first instead of reg FS This is so confusing and is making me upset.

Thank you for letting me know that this is an extreamly rare if not first time problem. I hope we can get this worked out soon!

The maximal amount of filterscripts being allowed to load is 16, as you can read here.
And may I ask why you would use filterscripts for things as a bank, just asking?
I would script pretty much everything in the main script unless it's a map filterscript as you will eventually run out of filterscript slots.

Best regards,

I have my FS broken down into main categories.

Then whatever addons i have like jobs banking ect. This makes it easy for me when something stops working. I know what stopped working and I can go into the category where the problem is. Rather then search over one FS and thousands of lines of coding to find my issue. Besides its not like i havnt tried merging FS together to make one. I get errors and it doesnt work. So to be honest im damned if I do and Damned if I dont. Im not close to reaching 16 FS slots so this isnt an issue.

Originally Posted by zero4000
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I have my FS broken down into main categories.

Then whatever addons i have like jobs banking ect. This makes it easy for me when something stops working. I know what stopped working and I can go into the category where the problem is. Rather then search over one FS and thousands of lines of coding to find my issue. Besides its not like i havnt tried merging FS together to make one. I get errors and it doesnt work. So to be honest im damned if I do and Damned if I dont. Im not close to reaching 16 FS slots so this isnt an issue.
Why do you just talk about filterscripts, never heard about gamemodes?
My script currently exists out of ~73.000 lines ( Not saying anything with it, the amount of lines in a script doesn't tell if it's good or not. ) and if something bugs I can always find it easily by just searching for the command/part that's not working.
I just know PAWN, HTML, SQL, CSS and a bit of PHP so I'm not a very "badass" scripter but I think creating a bigger gamemode is better for your server then having 16 filterscripts loaded and still being forced to create a big gamemode.
My gamemode might have alot lines, but I just use 1 filterscript, namely a map file which has over 6.5K objects in them and I just use a filterscript for that because that 6.5K lines would be a waste of lines in my gamemode.

Best regards,

Did you really ask my why im talking about FS? Because the only issue with my server is within the FS! I repsect all your input you have but if it isnt a help to the issue I posted please don't post it. I can do this and that to get around the problem sure. I DONT WANT TO GET AROUND IT i want to solve the issue so its not a bother to me ever again!

In you fs you have : #include <a_samp> and you cheking is it included before or #if defined so you do not have double inlucded/defined stuffs. This may case you problems , you missing some define of other important parts.And when you load FS as 2. is working only if you have all need stuffs in 1. FS.

Hmm... i lose my self , but there is a point in this.

Originally Posted by zero4000
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Did you really ask my why im talking about FS? Because the only issue with my server is within the FS! I repsect all your input you have but if it isnt a help to the issue I posted please don't post it. I can do this and that to get around the problem sure. I DONT WANT TO GET AROUND IT i want to solve the issue so its not a bother to me ever again!
I was mostly going on about this part:
Originally Posted by zero4000
Rather then search over one FS and thousands of lines of coding to find my issue. Besides its not like i havnt tried merging FS together to make one.
As I read your last/quoted post I guess that sentence should've been written differently and the problem you're talking about doesn't seem to exist except for you, that's why I'm helping you "around it". Or at least, in my opinion it's strange you're the only one ( At least the only one I know of. ) who has this issue whilst there are thousands of SA-MP servers so that makes me wonder if it's really a "bug" or that you're just doing something wrong. Have you tried to download a clean server package and tested your filterscripts on that?

Best regards,

Originally Posted by Azazelo
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In you fs you have : #include <a_samp> and you cheking is it included before or #if defined so you do not have double inlucded/defined stuffs. This may case you problems , you missing some define of other important parts.And when you load FS as 2. is working only if you have all need stuffs in 1. FS.

Hmm... i lose my self , but there is a point in this.
I am going to try this now. I will look at the FS i have that do not matter the order and then I will look at the FS that do matter what order they go in. If the ones that matter what order they go in have this include issue then my problem should be solved. Thank you for your feedback and I will give this a try.

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