Warnings everytime i log in

The other owner and I were IG once, and then we both got errors and then ever since, when i log in I get these warnings. http://prntscr.com/jrau9 I've restarted the server and everything, sometimes we crash too.

Uninstall any mods you have.

This usually happens, when using mods. Specially car mods I Think. If you use any mods, please delete them. Sometimes it can happen, when mapping.

I recived a map from someone two days ago. When I reached the place where it was mapped, i recived the same warnings and knocked me out from the server. I had done a little bit of research and the problem was that there was to manny objects in a verry small area. Verify you`re GTA Mods , uninstall them. If that not works , duble-check you-re maps from the server. Cheers

It only seems to happen on that one account.

then maybe your account is bugged.! try to delete your account and made new one.!

It's either bad car mods or too many objects in the same area.

By bad car mods I mean that there is a car that is added mods (rims, bumpers etc.) by the script, and the car is not supposed to have them, or your vehicle mod (in gta3.img) does not support car modifications (rims, bumpers etc.)

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