Getting over

I wasboured with ppc trucking so i decided to start over with my own gamemode . Everything are ready , but i need a convoy system and i dont know how to start it over . Can someone make it for me or give me a filterscript with that ? Thanks

Any help please ?

Every trucking server has a common convoy system. Try something new. Like no convoy at all

Lol , trucking system without a convoy is a total fail lol . But even that idea is not bad . But doing a convoy with your friends is better . All are using PPC_Trucking convoy system . I wanna do a convoy system like getting 1 score for work even if you are in convoy and get 2000$ extra bonus for finishing mission in convoy .

If someone could help me i would be greet

REP+ don't forget lol

Like we both said, every trucking server has a convoy system. Try to be creative to get more players.

Why don't you just have a lookup from the PPC gamemode itself? You'll have an idea.

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