How To Setting Modem To Portforward / Router

How To Setting Modem To Portforward / router

What router do you have?


I can help via teamveiwer,Pm me TV details

Step 1:
On your keyboard press Windows button + R

Now you should see this pop up name "Run", in that popup type in "cmd" withought "" and click ok.

Okay after that there will be a black system screen, what i want you to do in there is type in "ipconfig/all" without "".

Scroll up and find your Default gateway, should be something like

Step 2:
Type your Default Gateway into your internet browser

Should look something like this.

You should see the username and password bars.
Now if you do not know your password try "admin" withought "".
If that does not work, maybe your parents put a block or something ask them, and if that wont work, call D-link they will tell you your pw.

Step 3: Ports

Ports are very important this is what it's all about.
Look at this picture

That's what it should look like.

First thing i want you to do is put in names for the first 5 ports, the names don't matter much but just put in your server name to make it easy.

Second is your Ip address now look at your IPv4 ip, and put in same numbers to your ip address, should look something like this


After your done that, we move to the ports
Here are the ports i want you to add...
Copy the first 5 ports that are on the screen, DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE REST!!!

After you have done that Save Settings and Reboot your Router.

Step 4:
Go to in your source or repack open it, and replace the with your Ip adress.
Get your ip address here

Run your .bat files and edit your localhost and your server is 100%

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