[Map] Casino V.I.P Room ((RP))

I'm just new to mapping, so tell me what you think


The door in the last image is replaced with this

Tell me what you think.

It looks awesome!(rep+)

Looks Nice

Well tbh, the room is too big for what it contains. Either you make it smaller or you add more objects, 'cause it looks empty. And also I'm pretty sure it's not possible to sit on the chairs 'cause they seem to close to the table. If I were you, I would remove one or two chair(s) and make some space so you can sit on them.

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Originally Posted by chuck005
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Well tbh, the room is too big for what it contains. Either you make it smaller or you add more objects, 'cause it looks empty. And also I'm pretty sure it's not possible to sit on the chairs 'cause they seem to close to the table. If I were you, I would remove one or two chair(s) and make some space so you can sit on them.
Actually, i tested the chairs, and it's possible to sit on them.

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