Crashing a server

Hi guys, i have problem with crashing a server. I used to this on the windows server and it worked correctly, but when i have it in the linux server, server crashed after "format". Sorry for my bad english... Thanks for help

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
	if(Information[playerid][IsLogged] == true)
		new string[100];
		format(string, sizeof(string), soubor, PlayerConnectName(playerid));
		new File:SaveFile = fopen(string, io_write);
		new napis[500];
		format(napis, sizeof(napis), "\nAdministrator=%d", Information[playerid][Administrator]);
                fwrite(SaveFile, napis);

Soooo..What is the problem here on this ''OnPlayerDisconnect''? i mean why did you pasted it here?

when i have it in the linux server, server crashed after (some player disconnected and called this public)
format(napis, sizeof(napis), "\nAdministrator=%d", Information[playerid][Administrator]); fwrite(SaveFile, napis);
File is created...

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