MYSQL Creating Table problem.

I'm having a little problem with MYSQL. Im using the MYSQL plugin from BlueG R7.
When im using the following function, the server is running on no gamemode, everything is unknown than.

    mysql_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playerdata(user VARCHAR(24), password VARCHAR(40), score INT(20), money INT(20), level INT(20), vip INT(20), kma INT(20), rank INT(20), kills INT(20), deaths INT(20), muted INT(20), jailed INT(20), frozen INT(20), mutedtimes INT(20), jailedtimes INT(20), frozentimes INT(20), banned INT(20), bannedby VARCHAR(24), logins INT(20), posx INT(20), posy INT(20), posz INT(20), posa INT(20), IP VARCHAR(15) )");
Anyone knows what the problem could be?

EDIT: I found this in the server log: Script[gamemodes/Bluegames.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

But the file is there, it only happens when i use CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS :/

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