29.10.2012, 09:02
Последний раз редактировалось zohartrejx; 02.05.2014 в 15:40.
Причина: 1.1
Cops Versus Prisioners
NEW: Version 1.2 is now UP TO DATE!
GREEN = Fixed
RED = Will Be Fixed In next Version
-RandomCopSpawn bugged, only one works, others spawn in other cities (FIXED)
-Random Skins (FIXED)
-Interior Bugs (FIXED)
-Prisioners can get out of base , Mapping not yet done Fully (Will Be Fixed)
Picures of Gamemode
-LSPD Garage filled with some Cars.
-LSPD Outside
-Way to the Prisioner's Spawn
-Prisioner's Base/Spawn
NEW: Version 1.2 is now UP TO DATE!
GREEN = Fixed
RED = Will Be Fixed In next Version
-RandomCopSpawn bugged, only one works, others spawn in other cities (FIXED)
-Random Skins (FIXED)
-Interior Bugs (FIXED)
-Prisioners can get out of base , Mapping not yet done Fully (Will Be Fixed)
Features in 1.2 (CURRENT): -New base for Prisioners -Deleted LuxAdmin System. (You can add if you want) -Fixed Buggy Commands -Edited Commands (Some Grammar Errors Fixed) -Some Cars Deleted -New Objects -Added Anti Weapon Hack (Minigun,RPG...) -Added Anti-Respray-VehMod Hack (Automatic Ban if : Respray, Mod Car) -Deleted Armor/Health shop due to abusing -Connect/Disocnnect Message to all
Features 1.1: -More Vehicles -Map Fully remaped -LSPD Interior mapped -LuxAdmin added (Register,Money,Score,VIP,Event...) -Deleted Story. -Added more Commands Features 1.0: -New Running Style (not that retarded one) -Over 50 objcets mapped in LSPD Area -Fake Admin CMDs (havent got admin system yet) -Fake Admin Winning Team announce -Anti Repair and Teleport Hack (Bush will ban you) -Story on start (its not really great) -Over 10 Commands (/help) also Fake Admin CMDs /fakeadmincmds. -2 Sorts of Vehicles for now. -2 Teams: Prisioner and Cop (Only 1 Skin at one team) -Buying Armour and Health -Starting Weapons for Both teams: M4, Tec9 and Bat. -When you die Medic takes you back to your base. (Just a SendClientMessage)
Picures of Gamemode
-LSPD Garage filled with some Cars.
-LSPD Outside
-Way to the Prisioner's Spawn
-Prisioner's Base/Spawn
Download Link for 1.2
Download Link for 1.1
Download Link for 1.0
Before when i was updating for 1.2 , i lost all my codes. I did not maked my backups, i quited samp, now i'm back again. Next Version will be 1.3 with many bug fixes, many new features and maybe new team! Who knows, maybe it's secret!
Time when 1.3 will be released:
-Or Later