All .exe files disappear when i try to open

OK so everything was fine till last night
but now when i am click on any .exe
it disseappers leaving a message "Windows cant file .exe file c:/mycom/e/" - not exactlly the message but close to it.

i lost my sa-mp.exe then i went in GTA-SA root folder and tried openinig sa-mp.exe from there. it deleted all the files related to sa-mp.
then i tried openining cs1.6 it deleted the .exe from desktop

what is the problem?
plesae help

EDIT: i just notriced that twhen i open my sa-mp server folder and try clicking on sampserver.exe all .exe files in that folder were gone...

Not expert on computer but

Do you have a virus on your computer?
Try to scan it.

I Have scanned, i use Norton and i dont find any virus.
i am on Vista

All the audio files, notepad, word docs, pics etc are safe.
only .exe disapppers D: with a message

Norton's shit.

It's a virus. Do you think windows would bug itself enough to delete your files?

Don't scan it. Don't type any passwords on your PC again.

Format it.

Don't backup shit as it might be infected unless you actually have to.

Get AVG antivirus.

Try smitfraudfix, if it doesn't help format your pc.

I think it's malware (virus). Try malwarbytes (it can work as secound antivirus) and use Kaspersky or BitDeffender because Norton isn't good or fully format your HDD

Thats the usual result of real-time virus scanners. Some cracked exe files are detected as virus and get removed silently. Either use an uncracked version of SA, or deactivate the realtime scanner.

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