Help, Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x74DA75

Hi, I'm getting some Warning(s007): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x74DA75 and then my client crash when I'm playing in my server. Does it have anything to do with the scripting or only objects and vehicles? What's causing this? How can I solve it?

You have any Mods Installed.. Try Memfix

No I'm not using any mods, It happens when I drive around the map, I suddently get warnings and then my game crash.


What script are you using?

If it's an RP and it's Raven Roleplay then yes there is problem in that gamemode when you go to Train Rail, Your game crash.

It's not a downloaded gm, it's my own. Is there anything to detect what give the warnings?

it could be anything sometime a car can even give opcodes because i saw once in a server they ingamely founded the source of opcode and deleted it

I took off all my cars and but it seems to happens less but I still get it some times.

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