OnPlayerUpdate Delay?

Does anyone know how much ms is that callback?

what how much is that callback?
you mean how many times is it called? then its called every second while you do a action.or it could be when you chage your state i mean driveing spectating etc... dont know perfectly sorry.

As far as I know, it gets called at about every second if you're standing still and doing nothing and if you move ( Drive, run, whatever. ) it gets called many more times, not exactly sure how much times though.

Best regards,

Thank you both. Well, for cheap host, seems I have to use timers instead of this.

how about you show what you are putting in it so others can help you optimize it?

Actually it is for general things such as glass objects re-create, players' exp bar update, scores, anti cheats etc. but I made a 2000 ms timer for all of them. I think it will reduce CPU usage.

now sure what you mean by the window thing, exp should be done when the experience changes, anticheat is perfect for OPU, also running everything on a 2000ms timer might be worse if they're all doing the checks in the same function.

there's a profiler plugin that allows you to see what's causing bottlenecks in your script

Not everyting on same timer but if there are a few timers which running at the same time (like 10 timers) might be bad for CPU that's why I put similar checks in a same timer.

SetTimer("update",2000,1); // expbar, anti-cheats, TAB Score
SetTimer("ping",30000,1); // high ping checker
SetTimer("SendMSG",300000,1); // random msgs
SetTimer("Payday",3600000,1); // payday

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