12.10.2012, 15:25
Последний раз редактировалось ViruZz; 11.01.2013 в 00:02.
Причина: Updated
Created by ViruZz
Inspired by Calgon
The first Basic SQLite Gamemode
This idea was inspired by Calgon due to the gamemode he created named basic-mysql-gamemode, so I told myself, I'll make one for SQLite and yesterday I got bored and I did. It didn't took me a lot of time to make this but if you can keep the Author Credits (Me) then it will be appreciated. This gamemode is just to start you off with a SQLite based gamemode. It doesn't use any alternative includes. There isn't any password hash enabled but its in there in case you want to use it.Inspired by Calgon
The first Basic SQLite Gamemode
Anyway less talking and more downloading. Here is the download link,
Click me
You may do whatever you want but leave the author credits, this gamemode is currently licensed under Creative Commons
Question: How do I edit the SQLite Database file?
Answer: Use a SQLite Browser - Here is a link (Click me)
Question: The server is crashing when logging in, how can I fix it?
Answer: You need to configure your database tables & columns properly.