sound issue Help please!!!!!!

the audio stream cuts out after a few seconds all other audio works fine exept online audio streams and all drivers are updated and im running win 7 4 gb ram on a hp g61 laptop

Originally Posted by stlane
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the audio stream cuts out after a few seconds all other audio works fine exept online audio streams and all drivers are updated and im running win 7 4 gb ram on a hp g61 laptop
Have you checked your audio jack and ports are working correctly?

If not try re-installing your browser if you're not talking about SA-MP if you are; try deleting GTA.set (In My Documents > GTA San Andreas User Files) and booting the game up after that.

Try reinstalling sa-mp , check if your Sound jack most probably the green one is in proper place , It maybe your connection to the internet , check your PING

Does Internet radio and .mp3 file downloads work,

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