Plugins !

Is there any streaming plugin rather than Incognito's i use Incognito's but it only streams 1000 object and i have over 6000 object, i searched on the forums but i didn't find any one

[script] 3DTEXTDRAW LIMIT: 1024 (Static, non-streamed) | 3DTEXTDRAW COUNT: 1644
[18:15:55] [script] PICKUP LIMIT: 4096 (Static, non-streamed) | PICKUP COUNT: 1474
[18:15:55] [script] OBJECT LIMIT: 1000 (Static, non-streamed) | OBJECT COUNT: 6779
So how is this ? why non-streamed ? and i exceeded the object count ? any suggestions ?

So in the end is there something wrong that may affect badly the script or not ?

You mean CreateObject convert it to CreateDynamicObject ?

I have some Dynamic and some Normal, I will convert it and tell you

EDIT: as you said i used the edit button to avoid double posting now i have converted every CreateObject to CreateDynamicObject and still the same codes i posted first

CreateDynamicObject is a seperate function of the streamer? CreateObject is a function provided by SA-MP Team with other functions and other way of how it works.

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