CreatePickup need a little help please

Hello guys i have a CreatePickup but also i cant get the text label up i have been trying for a few hours trying to get it to work but if you do help me on doing it i also give rep

this is it
CreatePickup(1247, 23, 680.2208,-1546.9856,14.8516, -1); // LSPD Arrest

this is the code i want it to be but i cant seem to get it to work any ideas?
AddPlayerClass(288,1997.2585,-2061.2134,13.5469,152.2212,0,0,0,0,0,0); //

pawn Код:
Create3DTextLabel("Arrest", 0xFFFFFFFF, 680.2208,-1546.9856,14.8516, 0, 0);

thank you can you give a tut on how u did this

Create3DTextLabel: Creates a 3D Text Label at a specific location in the world.

(text[], color, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, FloatrawDistance, virtualworld, testLOS)
text[] The initial text string.
color The text Color
x X-Coordinate
y Y-Coordinate
z Z-Coordinate
DrawDistance The distance from where you are able to see the 3D Text Label
VirtualWorld The virtual world in which you are able to see the 3D Text
testLOS 0/1 Test the line-of-sight so this text can't be seen through objects.


ahh thank you very much i was up all night trying to do this

the pickup is on my head for some reason?

Lol on my head?

Hahahah Nice On Head

ino it sounds funny but please help me

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