
Alright I never thought I would ask a question on the SA-MP forums but hey, there is a start for everything in life.

Anyway, as you might know I'm working on the LV-RP Gamemode that is 100% SQLite, I'm thinking of bringing the project further with maybe a web-stats page or even a UCP but I have no idea how to do so on SA-MP.

Is there a tutorial or a web-stats page or UCP around build for SQLite that I may see or something so I can learn on how to do it, I'm more of a visual person so that is why I'm asking for a example.

Thanks in advance mates.

If you're going to make a UCP with this assuming to be big gamemode, just use MySQL. It will be more efficient, and you'll find it to be easier. SQLite is called SQLite for a reason. If you absolutely want to deal with SQLite databases in php, this page would be a nice start.


Originally Posted by VincentDunn
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If you're going to make a UCP with this assuming to be big gamemode, just use MySQL. It will be more efficient, and you'll find it to be easier. SQLite is called SQLite for a reason. If you absolutely want to deal with SQLite databases in php, this page would be a nice start.

I'm really not in the mood to convert my whole GM to MySQL lol

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