Serious roleplay gamemode?

Hello guys!

I am looking for a "legal gamemode" as not will be on the blacklist. I looking for a serious roleplay gamemode as is free and when I say serious roleplay gamemode do I mean a medium-heavy roleplay server gamemode. I want a gamemode as have a nice system and as is easy to understand. I am not willing to pay for any gamemodes, anyway I know not many would like to announce a gamemode without someone paying for it, but it would be nice if someone had a perfect serious roleplay gamemode.

As I said, I am NOT willing to pay for a gamemode, this is just a question. Comment wich gamemode as you mean is nice (need to be roleplay). I am not sure it is allowed to comment other gamemodes here? Then pm me it if it is allowed.

Thank you!


Have a look over above thread

I know about all of the roleplay gamemodes as is in that list, but I wondering some gamemodes without them as is nice scripted.

Originally Posted by Wechsler
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I know about all of the roleplay gamemodes as is in that list, but I wondering some gamemodes without them as is nice scripted.
Script it one for yourself,it's the best gamemode.

Maybe.. but I am not the best scripter. I am newbie and want to learn scripting, some easy tutorials to understand so I maybe can start on a gamemode? It would be awesome if I could be better in scripting.

The Sa-Mp Wiki is what you need.

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