making a underground map

ok today i want to ask you guys if you know any server or any mapper that has made a map under the gta map
and if you do know then please tell me i would like to know

I don't think so. I'm afraid you won't be able to hit other player while you're underground the map or that bug was if you was far far away in the ocean, though.

Originally Posted by markuss99
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I don't think so. I'm afraid you won't be able to hit other player while you're underground the map or that bug was if you was far far away in the ocean, though.

Also, I do not use this video as an advertising since:

a) video is year and a half old
b) wrong website
c) wrong IP
d) haven't logged to that YT account for months

Main issue is that if you go too low the game will respawn you.

Make them high in the sky

going under is to buggy, go in the sky, or removeobjests from the map

that video is underground that is ok but i want to know if someone has ever made a road to go under the ground to lets say a house under the ground or something like that i want to know if i am the 1st one to do it or not cuz i am looking at servers and all that so far goon in about 1500 servers not one had and i highly think anyserver does if you know any plz pm me

ok so i did it i did it under with a road going there and all that i think i am the 1st one to do it but not sure anyway it is not so low to respawn and not so high to hit the top of the map it is perfect i am not going to release but i will take a video and pictures and i am hoping to add to DRD server

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