What should I get?

I'm thinking about getting a new phone.

I don't know between these two..




The SII is cheaper per month, but the SIII is newer, What would you get?

I'd go for the SIII, it has more/better features than the SII (bigger screen, and IMO looks better).

I'd go for a S2 just because of the screen size, 4.8 inch is a bit too much for me, but if that and the price is not a problem for you then get S3

Well, I decided that having a contract wouldn't be the best for me, So I bought a tablet. Just because I am going to sell my laptop and I don't need it anymore. So a tablet would be better. Thanks anyway guys!

Originally Posted by dugi
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I'd go for a S2 just because of the screen size, 4.8 inch is a bit too much for me, but if that and the price is not a problem for you then get S3
If you think 4.8 is a bit too much the Samsung Galaxy Note would rock your pants! o_o

But awwww yeahh I would say the S3 if you haven't already had taken a tablet instead.

SIII,because it has 4 cores and SII only 2.

S3 i have one, and the OS is much better than my dads S2

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