
How can i make a countdown and display how long left on a textdraw? i kinda failed (countdwon was from 12 but only went to 11)

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Oops nvm

Post your code to check the issues

pawn Код:
new countn[MAX_PLAYERS];//It will count down,or normally,as you choose..
forward TimerName(playerid);//This is the function that will define the timer
new timer[MAX_PLAYERS];//This is the name of the timer,but there's one particulary for every player,as if we want to destroy it,it won't destroy for everyone

   countn[playerid]=10;//It will count for 10 seconds
  timer[playerid]=SetTimerEx("TimerName",1000,true,"i",playerid);/We set the timer for 10 seconds,as you can see
 return 1;

//We now define the timer,like this:

public TimerName(playerid)
   countn[playerid]--;//The timer decreases from 10 to 0
     //code[What your timer actually does]
 return 1;
Not my code found on ****** but got like 5 errors anyone can tell the correct way of doing this?

If you'd follow the code path, you'd spot the obvious error very easily:
pawn Код:
countn[playerid]--;//The timer decreases from 10 to 0
    //code[What your timer actually does]
- countn is decreased from 12 to 11.
- Reached if statement: if (11 >= -1) returns true
- KillTimer

You want point two to return false. So change the operator around from >= to <=.

/facepalm that was a stupid mistake thanks anyway : thumbs up:

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