object or ??

Hey there!!
when u fly with hydra u have the oportunity to create anti missile guide or something like that. its in white color. Its object or what? Its possible to make that?

What is a Anti Missile ?

The big white light that flickers a little and redirects the heat seeking missiles. You can drop it froma hydra with ALT or something.

A flare and yes it is an object - ObjectID: 354

Providing you're using Incognito's streamer you can use this
pawn Код:
CreateDynamicObject(354, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, worldid(-1 is all worlds), (-1 is all interiors), playerid(-1 is all players), streamdistance);
x= The x co-ordinate
y= The y co-ordinate
z= The z co-ordinate
rx= The rotational x co-ordinate
ry= The rotational y co-ordinate
rz= The rotational z co-ordinate

Or if you're not using a streamer
pawn Код:
CreateObject(354, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, Draw/Stream Distance);

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Thank u!
Youre the best hehe

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