Please help! Run time error 19 when starting the server

PHP Code:
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e, (C)2005-2012 SA-MP Team
02:03:26Server Plugins
[02:03:26] --------------
02:03:26Loaded 0 plugins.
[02:03:26] ---------------
02:03:26Loading filterscript 'anims.amx'...
02:03:26Loading filterscript 'Logo.amx'...
02:03:26Textdraw file generated by
[02:03:26Zamaroht's textdraw editor was loaded.
[02:03:26] Loaded 2 filterscripts.
[02:03:26] Script[gamemodes/larp.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[02:03:26] Number of vehicle models: 0 
Ive got an Linux Ubuntu server.. so please tell me how to fix this.

Load nativechecker plugin and post a new server_log.


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e-R2, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team

[09:33:03] Server Plugins
[09:33:03] --------------
[09:33:03] Loading plugin:

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 R2 by Incognito loaded ***

[09:33:03] Loaded.
[09:33:03] Loading plugin:

[09:33:03] ===============================

[09:33:03] sscanf plugin loaded.

[09:33:03] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[09:33:03] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[09:33:03] ===============================

[09:33:03] Loaded.
[09:33:03] Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[09:33:03] Loaded.
[09:33:03] Loading plugin:
[09:33:03] Loaded.
[09:33:03] Loaded 4 plugins.

[09:33:03] Ban list
[09:33:03] --------
[09:33:03] Loaded: samp.ban
[09:33:03] Filterscripts
[09:33:03] ---------------
[09:33:03] Loading filterscript 'anims.amx'...
[09:33:03] Loading filterscript 'buttons.amx'...
[09:33:03] Loading filterscript 'carwash.amx'...
[09:33:03] ---=== Car Wash Filterscript ===---
[09:33:03] -------------- Copyright -- 2011 --------------

[09:33:03] Loading filterscript 'Animlist.amx'...
[09:33:03] -G.O-Anim Sytem By: G4M3Ov3r
[09:33:03] --------------------------------------

[09:33:03] Loading filterscript 'radar.amx'...
Cruiser speed radar made by Srdjan loaded.

[09:33:03] Loading filterscript 'fu.amx'...
[09:33:03] Loaded 6 filterscripts.

[09:33:03] *** Streamer Plugin: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_RegisterInterface" found (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[09:33:03] *** Streamer Plugin: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_AddPlayer" found (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[09:33:03] *** Streamer Plugin: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_RemovePlayer" found (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[09:33:03] *** Streamer Plugin: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_VerifyPickup" found (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[09:33:03] *** Streamer Plugin: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_VerifyCheckpoint" found (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[09:33:03] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (unknown version) does not match plugin version (0x26105) (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[09:33:03] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_Seek'
[09:33:03] Script[gamemodes/NGRP_nomysql.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[09:33:03] Number of vehicle models: 0

don't understand the problem...

the server files was from windows server first, but then i re-downloaded the Streamer plugin and now it wont lad.

The NGRP_nomysql.amx dont want load either

if i need to compile, how do i do? can someone please give me an "guide" ?

recompile all(filterscript and gamemode)
and open gamemode find Audio_Seek replace with Audio_SetPosition
to compile you see an photo
if you have error then .amx will not save,must to correct mistakes you need to learn more,i think this is hard but so is life

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