Timer Question

Hi.. I need advice about timer... I have made my anticheat system and I need to use a timer.. I have few global timer, one of these timers are return every 500 ms and in this function I have call foreach and SetTimerEx for each player to check something ... I need advice is there slow my server and if this way is not the best, can you present me better ...

Sry for bad english, I hope that you understand me... I don't have experience with timer and player... I have make a perfect anticheat but I am Thinking Twice about that...

I want to max optimitize server!

Thanks in advance

What can of anticheat for weapon anticheat i'd use OnPlayerKeyStateChange when they fire that forbidden they get banned.

Nova's theory is pretty easy and simple without any timers.

If you'd like to do it with timers follow these steps,

1.Create a callback
2.Set a specific timer on that callback
3.Have all the anticheat stuff weapon hacks, health hack etc (make sure the timer is atleast 2000ms)

Done instead of creating bunch of callbacks.

I have in one callback - Airbreak, Fly hack, Teleport, Weapon ... and some check about area(prison) ...
It works perfect if few players on server, but I don't know is this complicated when I have more and more players ...

sry for bad eng..

Yap... Is there any way to simulate players ?

I know that take more time, that is my problem. I don't know what will happen when I have more and more players.. thats loops are going to be longer(take more time) ... I don't know what to do :/ How to check that..

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