Admin Script Help

Hello everyone!
As some of you may know, I haven't scripted for over two years and I've completely forgotten EVERYTHING.

I started coding a little admin script but it doesn't seem to be working.. At all..
Could somebody please tell me what I've done wrong and how I could fix this?


Compiles just fine for me? Maybe you don't have the .amx in the "filterscripts" folder or aren't putting it as a filterscript in the server.cfg? Are you getting any errors when compiling?

It compiles perfectly fine and I do get a .amx file output, and I have put it as a filterscript in server.cfg, it's the only filterscript actually. When I actually go into the server and try to use any of the commands, none of them work :/

i think you need to update your all sscanf include and plugin

If you don't mind, could you please point me in the right direction of where I could download those? I downloaded the include and plugin earlier (when I started scripting this) but I'm not sure if its the current version
That is where you can find latest version of sscanf.

Download all the Latest includes + plugins and compile it with 'em that sure will help

Hmm it seems like I had the latest plugins and includes as that is the link where I downloaded it before..
I just tried to see if it somehow started working now but I can't seem to get my server up.
Could somebody maybe try it on their server and see if it works? Also, when I run samp-server, it says 'Loaded 0 Plugins' (I just noticed this now).. Could this be the problem of why the script doesn't work?

Would somebody mind loading this script on their server and testing it for me?
I've tried to test it myself but no luck.. But according to the earlier comments it should be working

My testing works fine, but i am using the plugins, and compiled fine in pawno. I dont see what problem u could have :/

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