Dialog Color Coding?

Hi there, I'm experiencing some trouble with my dialogs, Im trying to color my text but as soon as I do it it gets cut off in game.

Here is the code I use, but it gets cut off at "Kills"
new idbook[128];
format(idbook,sizeof(idbook), "Name:{00D500}%s\n{FFFFFF}Admin Level:{00D500}%i\n{FFFFFF}VIP Level:{00D500}%i\n{FFFFFF}Level:{00D500}%i\n{FFFFFF}Kills:{FF8000}%i\n{FFFFFF}Deaths:{FF0000}%i\n{FFFFFF}Prisoned:{FF0000}%i",pInfo[playerid][UserName],pInfo[playerid][AdminLevel],pInfo[playerid][VIPlevel],pInfo[playerid][Level],pInfo[playerid][Kills],pInfo[playerid][Deaths],pInfo[playerid][Jailed]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_IDBOOK,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"ID Book",idbook,"<<<","Exit");
What am I doing wrong? I've also tried "\t to tab them, but the same problem.

Increase your string to [300];

lol thanx for the reply, I cant believe I didn't think of that, thanx for the help man! [REP+] for you

No problem man.
Glad to help

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