Is this possible?

Hello , i'v server samp hosted by , my server accounts is hacked , im using luxadmin , I can't do anything i tried to rangban , ban ip but he change it and come again
rangban was "19|8|2012|" but he come again and ban all players.. what can i do with this f*** hacker ? I think samp hacked

Thats no rangeban, just a single ip. IPs change like the weather, too easy to fake it. If he bans your players, he got one of your passwords, or your script got a backdoor that needs to be closed. Try to find the way he gains the admin permissions.

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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Thats no rangeban, just a single ip. IPs change like the weather, too easy to fake it. If he bans your players, he got one of your passwords, or your script got a backdoor that needs to be closed. Try to find the way he gains the admin permissions.
Thank's i'v another idea , to change the commands like ban and kick is this right?

That could work, but only if he isnt using the rcon commands, as these cant be changed.

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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Thats no rangeban, just a single ip. IPs change like the weather, too easy to fake it. If he bans your players, he got one of your passwords, or your script got a backdoor that needs to be closed. Try to find the way he gains the admin permissions.
Lol,It cannot be hacked. He's using LuxAdmin System, and it has Question+answer when a player /register
So when some admin register he put the answer same as question Like:
Question: Test
he put the answer same as question
Answer: Test
That's how he log with Admins accounts..
Also he doesnt know Rcon Password or anything else, he just use that trick to log with admins accounts.

Originally Posted by -Sam_hero-
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Lol,It cannot be hacked. He's using LuxAdmin System, and it has Question+answer when a player /register
So when some admin register he put the answer same as question Like:
Question: Test
he put the answer same as question
Answer: Test
That's how he log with Admins accounts..
Also he doesnt know Rcon Password or anything else, he just use that trick to log with admins accounts.
I'v video in ******* , sawing how to hack rcon .. i will not announce it

Lol.. The problem with these hackers are the server owners not knowing what they're doing.. If you had enough scripting/managing knowledge, you knew the procedures to get rid of it.

Change Rcon, change host panel password, change every admins account password and admin login ones.

Don't run a over complicated useless administration script that you did not make, and then you will know how to secure it. Anyhow, if you are rangebanning people properly, they will not be able to connect.

Just as a heads up most SA-MP Servers don't have a range ban what i'v noticed what they do now is /banip <- Not real btw then they do /banip 231.131.241.* to ban off the area or so i believe maybe it'll help you

This can be fixed via a simple snippet.

pawn Код:
public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success)
    if (success)
        if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1337) // Change to your admin variable
            format(szString, sizeof(szString), "banip %s", ip);
    return 1;
You should consider obtaining another admin system, and (the hosting company you're hosting your server at now) are probably the blame.

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