
Heey all,

Is it possible to detect more then one(multiple) players that is in your distance like range 10?
pawn Код:
public GetClosestPlayer(p1)
    new Float:dis,Float:dis2,player;
    player = -1;
    dis = 99999.99;
        if(x != p1)
            dis2 = GetDistanceBetweenPlayers(x,p1);
            if(dis2 < dis && dis2 != -1.00)
                dis = dis2;
                player = x;
    return player;
How can i make that?

Thanks Admigo

Pass arguments by reference. You could also make use of the ellipsis operator for variable amount of return values. But that might be too advanced for you.

Thats why i am posting the problem.

pawn Код:
// Arrays are passed by reference, so if you change a passed array in a function,
// it will also change after returning from it
stock GetClosestPlayers(playerid, Float:range, players[], num = sizeof(players)) {
    new count = 0;
        if (x != playerid)
            if (GetDistanceBetweenPlayers(x, playerid) <= range)
                // Add the player to the list of players in range
                // and increase the counter
                players[count++] = x;
        // if the players array is full, return
        // Any possible other players in range will be ignored
        if (count == num) return;
    // if theres still space in the players array after
    // finding all players in range, mark its end
    if (count < num - 1) players[count] = -1;
Usage would be like this:
pawn Код:
// The array size defines the max number of players to find
new players[4];
// Find 4 players in the given range
GetClosestPlayers(playerid, 10.0, players);
for (new i = 0; i < sizeof(players); i++) {
    // if reached the marked end of the array, stop processing
    // else there are still 0 in the array and would mess the result
    if (players[i] == -1) break;
    // Do something with the player
Untested, but this is a way it could be done. Players in the array arent ordered, so after finding e.g. 4 players and the array is full, there might still be more even closer players, so its no real "GetClosestPlayers". This would be a bit more complex and im too lazy for that right now
Ask again if you really need that, but from your question I think this is enough.

Edit: I really like it when people ask for something, get a short or long answer, and then remain silent forever.

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