Little bit of Help in using VPS

Alright so I'll be getting a VPS ( or may not ) soon.

So I need a little bit of help in understand VPS or just tell me How to setup a server ( windows ).

- Benzke.

Do you know how to setup a server on a Windows PC? If so, its the same on Windows VPS.

In windows just the same way you would set up a server on your home machine.

VPS , what do you mean..?

vps, a virtual private server. well, you need to transfer the files to the server using an ftp. you need putty, and at least some knowledge of it.depending whether ur vps's os, there are a bunch of tutorials. if you get it amd need help feel free to pm me

If you rent a Windows VPS, it is very likely that it will be already all set up, and that you will have to manage it through remote desktops. So you simply have to do like you would in your normal PC, besides the port forwarding part (For emulators / servers)

Originally Posted by carz0159
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vps, a virtual private server. well, you need to transfer the files to the server using an ftp. you need putty, and at least some knowledge of it.depending whether ur vps's os, there are a bunch of tutorials. if you get it amd need help feel free to pm me
Windows VPS's usally come with remote dekstop no need for putty nor ftp.

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