Posts: 148
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Joined: Jun 2011
So when ever I have a user login, It shows it moving exactly like I wanted. But then when they spawn they bug out and Fly into the air continually. And their character looks like a blob. They need to /kill just to actually spawn.
Any help with this?
Posts: 148
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Joined: Jun 2011
I have it here
new titlestring[64];
new string[256];
format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "Incorrect password. You have %d remaining login attempts left.", MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - GetPVarInt(extraid, "LA"));
SendClientMessage(extraid, COLOR_HOTORANGE, szMessage);
new ip[32];
GetPlayerIp(extraid, ip, 32);
TogglePlayerSpectating(extraid, 1);
InterpolateCameraPos(extraid, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 1000.0, 1000.0, 30.0, 120000, CAMERA_MOVE);
format(titlestring, sizeof(titlestring), "Login - %s", GetPlayerNameEx(extraid));
format(string, sizeof(string), "Invalid Password!\n\nWelcome to Final Genesis Roleplay, %s.\n\nThis Account Is Registred Please Fill In Your Password To Login In", GetPlayerNameEx(extraid), ip);
ShowPlayerDialog(extraid,DIALOG_LOGIN,DIALOG_STYLE _PASSWORD,titlestring,string,"Login","Exit");
Then On Player Spawn this is there
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Joined: Jan 2010
When you're going to spawn him after the camera movement, just use TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, false);, it calls OnPlayerSpawn automatically.
Also, to spawn him with another way, do the same then SetSpawnInfo, and SpawnPlayer.
Posts: 148
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Joined: Jun 2011
You got the cam to stop irinel1196
Thanks it works perfectly.