What is your opinion on Prison Roleplay servers?

Well I've started up a prison roleplay server, and it's started off pretty well with the hosted tab and such, but I'd still like to find out all of your opinions on prison roleplay servers. Do you think of it as a boring gamemode, or do you really love it?

I personally love them, hence why I made one myself, but I have heard many people say that they aren't exactly a recipe for success.

Oh, god. I'm pretty this thread has been made dozen of times. However, I personally dislike it as it absolutely removes some kind of fun what can be made in a standard role-play server. So far I haven't seen any good prison role-play and I bet, I even won't see it.

I don't like them, because the map is most of the time too small en you're most of the time RPing inside, I prefer to also RP outside.

They get boring really fast.

Originally Posted by Jansish
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They get boring really fast.

Would be better if the prison is mapped at another place.Most prison RP that I've been mapped at the same location which it's quite boring.

It needs to be a very big prison like on Prison Break. It have to be populated and alot of guards and inmates.

los santos prison roleplay is a good server

I tend to agree with Jansish, they get quite boring quickly as you basicly run out of ideas to roleplay. 'Same shit, different day' goes with prison roleplay to be honest.

Originally Posted by Jansish
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They get boring really fast.
Because :

- There is No Vehicles
- You Can't Marry someone IC....
- You can't buy Biznesses
- You can't have Guns....., only Knife

and much more , things who push players to leave

+ and this with out speaking about the OOC reasons that push them to leave the server....

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