
can someone tell me how to properly install YSI beacuse everytime i try i screw my server up bad and get like 20 errors i kno im a noob soyou dont need to call me out on it i am learning so obvusly im a noob but can someone help me out with this thanks

First download it, then add the .inc file into pawno>>include folder, then add this to the top of your script
#include <YSI\y_ini>

Mind showing us those errors?

Btw, check this, it might help.

i meant YSI but when you download it it come swith like 30 other things to add that arent .ini there .pwn .amx and stuff thats why its confuessing

When you download YSI, a couple of folders should be included in a .zip file.
Drag+Drop everything in your server's root folder (where samp-server OR samp03svr is)

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