I get bugged in Blueberry.

Why when i Tp to the blueberry farm shit i get game crash?

It's depend on your GM, some GM contain object that can crash player

First of all, try driving to the blueberry farm and see if you crash then.
If not, check your teleport command for any errors.

blueberry acres is located @ 0,0,0, its the middle of the map. due to (wrong/too many) placed objects there, the client CAN crash - i experience this each single day when i teleport to locations with >800 objects/3dlabels streamed.
in my case, iam sure i got no invalid objects, so i assume that the tons of data transfered to the client (streaming tons of stuff) could be the reason. in your case, i dont even know if you have placed (large) maps in blueberry?
Dawnz's tip is an excellent approach to find out if its the "stream all objects at same time when teleporting=crash", or "stream one-by-one object while moving there=no crash?".

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