CreatePlayerTextDraw problem - 2 textdraws appear in the same position


I'm trying to create 2 textdraws that will appear when player enters a car.
The problem is that both textdraws appear in the same position. The coords of the text draws are different.\
Any ideas why that happens?

stock CreateRentCarHUD(playerid){
	PlayerTextDrawDestroy(playerid, RentCarHUD[playerid]);
	RentCarHUD[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 44.000000, 323.000000, "Rentcar Cost: ~g~$0");
	PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, RentCarHUD[playerid], 255);
	PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, RentCarHUD[playerid], 3);
	PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, RentCarHUD[playerid], 0.240000, 1.499999);
	PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, RentCarHUD[playerid], -1);
	PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, RentCarHUD[playerid], 1);
	PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, RentCarHUD[playerid], 0);
	PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, RentCarHUD[playerid]);
	totalrent[playerid] = 0;

stock CreateFuelCarHUD(playerid){
	new fuel = vehicleVariables[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)][vVehicleGas], str[50];
	format(str, sizeof(str),"Fuel: ~g~%d %", fuel);
	PlayerTextDrawDestroy(playerid, FuelCarHUD[playerid]);
	FuelCarHUD[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 44.000000, 308.000000, str);
	PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, FuelCarHUD[playerid], 255);
	PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, FuelCarHUD[playerid], 3);
	PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, FuelCarHUD[playerid], 0.410000, 1.600000);
	PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, FuelCarHUD[playerid], -1);
	PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, FuelCarHUD[playerid], 1);
	PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, FuelCarHUD[playerid], 1);
	PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, FuelCarHUD[playerid]);


simple look at those:
pawn Код:
RentCarHUD[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 44.000000, 323.000000, "Rentcar Cost: ~g~$0");
pawn Код:
FuelCarHUD[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 44.000000, 308.000000, str);
//this is repeated in both of them thats why the X location is the same in both

Yeah, but the textdraws should appear one bellow the othere, not both on the same position.
Sometimes I see one, sometimes the other.. The textdraws are updated once every few seconds.

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