adding cars to buy on the zGaming roleplay script.

I ve looked but can find the part of the script that shows the vehicles to buy because I want to add more.

I had a quick look through it and theres a few parts that control whats going on with the dealership.
under: stock ShowDialog(playerid, dialogid)
pawn Код:
case 10: // Dealership Main
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 10, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Choose a category", "Bikes\nNormal Vehicles\nLowriders\nOff-Road Vehicles\nSport Vehicles", "Choose", "Cancel");
This is when you type /buycar I believe. This then brings up:
under: public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
pawn Код:
else if(dialogid == 10) // Dealership main
                case 0: ShowDialog(playerid, 11); // Bikes
                case 1: ShowDialog(playerid, 12); // Normal Vehicles
                case 2: ShowDialog(playerid, 21); // Lowriders
                case 3: ShowDialog(playerid, 13); // Off-Road Vehicles
                case 4: ShowDialog(playerid, 14); // Sport Vehicles
Which in turn brings up the dialogs followed directly under.
This should give you enough info on what is going on

Originally Posted by oblexive
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I had a quick look through it and theres a few parts that control whats going on with the dealership.
under: stock ShowDialog(playerid, dialogid)
pawn Код:
case 10: // Dealership Main
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 10, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Choose a category", "Bikes\nNormal Vehicles\nLowriders\nOff-Road Vehicles\nSport Vehicles", "Choose", "Cancel");
This is when you type /buycar I believe. This then brings up:
pawn Код:
else if(dialogid == 10) // Dealership main
                case 0: ShowDialog(playerid, 11); // Bikes
                case 1: ShowDialog(playerid, 12); // Normal Vehicles
                case 2: ShowDialog(playerid, 21); // Lowriders
                case 3: ShowDialog(playerid, 13); // Off-Road Vehicles
                case 4: ShowDialog(playerid, 14); // Sport Vehicles
Which in turn brings up the dialogs followed directly under.
This should give you enough info on what is going on
Thank you I can add the cars thank you.

No worries Feels good to finally be helping others! Even if it is small stuff. Hehe.

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