dm script ??

plz guys i have /dm tp i want to be like dm if player death he come from dm until he /leavedm , how can i made it and how i disable cmds in /dm

plz guys help me ,,

With only one per-player global variable you can do all the work. Let me show how that would happen:

pawn Код:
// top of script
new Dming[MAX_PLAYERS];
// We gonna set the value of this variable to 1 when a player joins a dm, and to 0 when a player leaves a dm.
// As I said above we will set it to 1 while in dm, so whenever you initialize a player for dm, put this:
Dming[playerid] = 1; // which tells the script that "playerid" is in a dm
// now you can use OnPlayerSpawn to respawn a player ('dm-er') to the dm arena after death
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    if(Dming[playerid] == 1) // if was in a dm (This won't work if you set Dming to 0 under OnPlayerDeath)
        // Respawn
    return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    Dming[playerid] = 0; // when a player connects set it to 0 (To avoid ids conflicts)
    return 1;
// And in your leavedm command remember to set Dming to 0
Dming[playerid] = 0; // out of dm

can u explain it all plz , what i write in OnPlayerCommandText and how can i add cmd /leavedm ?

plz explain it all

Hmm I thought you already have the commands. Well, I explained everything here (Read the comments):
pawn Код:
// top of script
new Dming[MAX_PLAYERS];
// We gonna set the value of this variable to 1 when a player joins a dm, and to 0 when a player leaves a dm.
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/dm", true))
        // As I said above we will set it to 1 while in dm
        Dming[playerid] = 1;
        // After that you can add your other codes, teleports, weapons and stuff
        return 1;
    if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/leavedm", true))
        Dming[playerid] = 0; // tells the script that the player is out of any dm
        SpawnPlayer(playerid); // spawn
        return 1;
    return 0;

// now for the OnPlayerSpawn part. This callback is called when a player spawns
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    if(Dming[playerid] == 1) // if was in a dm (This won't work if you set Dming to 0 under OnPlayerDeath)
        // Respawn
        // Simply add the codes that you added in /dm
    return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    Dming[playerid] = 0; // when a player connects set it to 0 (To avoid ids conflicts)
    return 1;
Hope you got it.

hey i add this but my pawn just crashing when i prees compile/run

Compiles fine right here. Do you mind showing what you've done?

i think the big lines in my gamemode make like that i change it to FS ,

how can i do player cant do anycmds and how can i do many spawn in /dm because its spawn from one place only

plz help

To disable commands just use the Dming variable. Example:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/SomeCommand", true))
        if(Dming[playerid] == 1) // if in dm
            return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "This command is disabled in dms!"); // return error
        // Not in dm, do your command.
        return 1;
    return 0;
For many spawns you should use Random which generates a pseudo-random number. Example:

pawn Код:
new randSpawn = random(4); // 4 is the highest possible random number. So this is suposed to choose between 4 spawns ('numbers') randomally
// The above code will generate a random number of four numbers (Starting from 0 not 1)
    case 0: // if randSpawn equals to 0 (First Spawn?)
        // Your first spawn place code
    case 1: // if randSpawn equals to 0 (Second Spawn?)
        // Your second spawn place code
    case 2: // if randSpawn equals to 0 (Third Spawn?)
        // Your third spawn place code
    case 3: // if randSpawn equals to 0 (Forth Spawn?)
        // Your forth spawn place code

where can i put
PHP код:
0// if randSpawn equals to 0 (First Spawn?)
// Your first spawn place code
1// if randSpawn equals to 0 (Second Spawn?)
// Your second spawn place code
2// if randSpawn equals to 0 (Third Spawn?)
// Your third spawn place code
3// if randSpawn equals to 0 (Forth Spawn?)
// Your forth spawn place code

where , in /dm cmd and i remove SetPlayerPos ?

and i got error with return !!

Just replace it with your SetPlayerPos and don't forget to put
pawn Код:
new randSpawn = random(4);
before the switch statement.

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