Undefined Symbol

Hello! The aswesome Zh3ro made a Login / Register System and i have a problem with.

So,I know that Zh3ro won't reply at this,but: in this FS,he added Score,SetPlayerScore and GetPlayerScore.I added everywhere after Score,Coins and SetPlayerCoins,GetPlayerCoins...Why when I compile,I have undefined symbols GetPlayerCoins and SetPlayerCoins?

Here is the script : http://pastebin.com/WFR2kXBF

If you can look in,it would be great,thx!

I added in include/a_players.inc native SetPlayerCoins(playerid,coins); and native GetPlayerCoins(playerid);

I dont have errors anymore.It's ok or I made a stupid thing?

If this work's I don't think this is stupid

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