Server Getting Shutdown I don't know how!


The script fails to establish a MySQL connection, that must be the reason for your shutdown.

If you're using Windows, look up XAMPP on the Internet and see if that can help you!

Well, most likely it's this:

[15:34:41] [MySQL] (Main Pipelines) Connecting to
[15:34:41] [MySQL] (MainPipeline) Fatal Error! Could not connect to MySQL: Host - DB: ngrp_main - User: root
[15:34:41] [MySQL] Note: Make sure that you have provided the correct connection credentials.
You need a mysql database to run this script, and i don't know which script you use, but you will also have to create tables and rows if you don't have a MYSQL database dump provided with the mode..

I had this too with MYSQL, if the server can't load something, it crashes.

EDIT: AndreT beat me to it xD

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