[HELP]An Interesting Con Attack

Brothers. I have got an anti-con system that filterscript bans who tries to log in as; con , aux etc.

But when a attacker logs in as '' Con..._Blabla'' , '' Aux..._Ali, Aux.._Veli '' etc; we can't do anything.

Because we can't define all off, Con..._ combinates. Is there a good security filterscript or include, that you can advise to me?

It will only crash if your account system uses files and creates files with this same name as players, it also happens only on windows servers. If it crashes with names similar to those reserved by Windows it's a problem with your script.

Originally Posted by dugi
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It will only crash if your account system uses files and creates files with this same name as players, it also happens only on windows servers. If it crashes with names similar to those reserved by Windows it's a problem with your script.
Yeah. I am using a RP script so I am saving my players' files with their RP names. What should I do ?

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