Fire System with timer

Hello, there!

I was trying to make a fire system, like fire spawns at random buildings, and then firemens go and take the fire down. I tryed to use timer and createobject, but I guess I wen't in to wrong way with whole script. Can someone put me on the right road?

PHP код:
public OnGameModeInit()
SetTimer(CreateObject103) *then
I guess, this is gonna sound soooo wrong.

No, no, no.
pawn Код:
SetTimer("Timer", 300000, true); // Gamemodeinit.
pawn Код:
forward Timer(); // At the end of your gamemode.
public Timer()
    return 1;

Oh, so to change fire locations, I just need to make SetTimer(''bla bla bla'', etc.)
and then again forward ''bla bla bla''
public ''bla bla bla'' and
createobject coordinates and that shit?


Wierd, fire didn't appear. Compiled and ran without errors or warnings, but IG nothing happens.

The timer is set to something like every 5 minutes, are you sure your creating the right object?

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