12.07.2012, 23:35
I did a year ago. And I dont post in area
What this:
This is a PHP code, used to make ranking via INI files
(useful for those who do not have mysql server)
Player: Bruno1 | Kills: 4
Player: Player | Kills: 2
Player: SAMP | Kills: 1
Pastebin (PT):
You can improve the code .. This is only a sketch - proof conception (?)
Original Post:
What this:
This is a PHP code, used to make ranking via INI files
(useful for those who do not have mysql server)
PHP код:
* Copyright © 2012 [iPs]TeaM
* Bruno da Silva (brunoemail@r7.com)
* Get INI Files and make ranking by tag. (KILLS)
// ====== [ change here ] ======================================
$pasta = "C:/Arquivos de Programas/Pawn/scriptfiles/Contas Jogadores";
$classificar = "Kills"; // key to ranking "Kills=VALUE" file
$jogadores= -1;
$dadosjogador = array();
$handlepasta = opendir($pasta);
// list file
while(($nickname = readdir($handlepasta)) !== false) {
if(($nickname !=".") && ($nickname !="..") && ($nickname != "index.htm") && ($nickname !="info")) { // filter files.
$contaaberta = parse_ini_file($pasta ."/". $nickname);
$nickname = substr($nickname, 0,strlen($nickname)-4);
$dadosjogador[$jogadores] = array($contaaberta[$classificar] ,$nickname );
// ranking
array_multisort ($dadosjogador, $dadosjogador);
// print data
foreach ($dadosjogador as $jogador_atual) {
echo "<b>Player</b>: ".$jogador_atual[1]." | <b>Kills</b>: ".$jogador_atual[0]." <br>";
Player: Bruno1 | Kills: 4
Player: Player | Kills: 2
Player: SAMP | Kills: 1
Pastebin (PT):
You can improve the code .. This is only a sketch - proof conception (?)
Original Post: