[FilterScript] Group System [Sqlite(EasyDB)]

Originally Posted by Lokii
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done after that this problem created

[easydb.inc] - NOTICE: The database "Group.db" doesn't exist; it will be created.
[easydb.inc] Include loaded (build 3)
[easydb.inc] - NOTICE: The table "Groups" doesn't exist; attempting to create it.
[easydb.inc] - NOTICE: The table "GroupMembers" doesn't exist; attempting to create it.
[easydb.inc] - NOTICE: The column "GroupName" doesn't exist; attempting to create it.
[easydb.inc] - NOTICE: The column "GroupMotd" doesn't exist; attempting to create it.
[easydb.inc] - NOTICE: The column "UserName" doesn't exist; attempting to create it.
[easydb.inc] - NOTICE: The column "GroupName" doesn't exist; attempting to create it.
[easydb.inc] - NOTICE: The column "GroupLeader" doesn't exist; attempting to create it.
while when i on the server and now when i join game and trying to use /creategroup its not working :/

Go to scriptfiles folder and check if Group.db exists. Then restart the server.

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