A small compiling problem!

when i try to run and compile on pawno it just freezes on the compiling bit and dose nothing, i just updated the include to the latest 0.3e and added a cuff anim for 0.3e but suddenly stopped accepting skype chats or please post down below
and rep

if you are compiling a big script it will take time 3-10 min ,but when the windows is freezed , it's still compiling , you have to wait

if pawno crashes, you're possibly missing or have extra brackets

waited 30 mins stil;l nothing with the compiler

Try updating Pawno. Or perhaps the problem is in your script (if the compiler crashes)

This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 19 seconds. <-- This shit is killing me

dammit cant sum 1 pm me adding me on skype and help me

Well i think you add the cuff anime wrongly, double check it and recheck it.

tried plz pm me and help?

This sometimes happens to me when I have missed a closing or opening brace. Recheck your entire script or bits that you have recently edited and see if there are the amount of closing braces matches the amount of opening braces, and locate where the missing bracket should be placed. You can use a bracket finder to help solve it, but they're not much good...

This only happens if there is an undetectable error, or if your computer cant handle big scripts.
A script with 50k+/- lines shouldn't take longer than 20 seconds, and that is really the maximum for an average computer.

Anything longer means that your script is either very very special or just isn't optimized.

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