26.06.2012, 18:15
Hey guys,
This is my first post here, sorry if I'm doing something wrong!
I have a problem with a system that I call UAV. I'm making a deathmatch server to get better in PAWNO.
I want to have a killstreak system where you get a uav when you have 10 kills.
On to 10th kill you will get all the playersmarkers on the map. The weird thing is that is looks like it's working.
I used Printf to check it and it's reading both UAV==1 and UAV == 0. Plz help me
My code (only the stuff that you need for this function):
This is my first post here, sorry if I'm doing something wrong!
I have a problem with a system that I call UAV. I'm making a deathmatch server to get better in PAWNO.
I want to have a killstreak system where you get a uav when you have 10 kills.
On to 10th kill you will get all the playersmarkers on the map. The weird thing is that is looks like it's working.
I used Printf to check it and it's reading both UAV==1 and UAV == 0. Plz help me

My code (only the stuff that you need for this function):
PHP код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
if(GetPlayerScore(killerid) == 10)
SetPVarInt(killerid, "UAV", 1);
SendClientMessage(killerid, COLOUR_ORANGE, "KILLSTREAK # 10: Your UAV is online.");
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has a Killstreak of ten! Watch out, %s can see you now!", name, name);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOUR_ORANGE, string);
public UAV()
for(new playerid; playerid < MAX_PLAYERS; playerid++)
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "UAV")== 1)
for (new showplayerid; showplayerid < MAX_PLAYERS; showplayerid++)
if(playerid == showplayerid) break;
SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, showplayerid, COLOUR_RED);
printf("UAV: show player %d for player %d", showplayerid, playerid);
for (new showplayerid; showplayerid < MAX_PLAYERS; showplayerid++)
if(playerid == showplayerid) break;
SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, showplayerid, COLOUR_INV);
printf("UAV: hide player %d for player %d", showplayerid, playerid);
return 1;